There are also plenty of red pieces to give the impression of rest, or repairs, giving the ship a slightly distinct look from the Millennium Falcon 2015 model, and a very different look to the blue and white Kessel Run Millennium Falcon model. The design makes great use of smaller gray pieces in order to give this effect, with single bricks, vents, and even small telephone pieces adding a lot of texture to the outside of the ship. It’s jagged, angular, and it feels like each Lego piece is a part of the ship that’s been welded on, or even blown off during a headed dogfight.

The Millennium Falcon is a design that is perfect for Lego. Despite the odd choice in crew, the Lego Star Wars Millennium looks simply great on a shelf and that for a larger set the build is straightforward and a lot of fun. No longer does Luke, Leia, or even Han Solo stalk the halls of the ship, instead an older Lando Calrissian, Finn, and Boolio (a character that no one really remembers, but they get their head chopped off) join mainstays C-3PO, R2-D2, and Chewbacca. Released in conjunction with the tragic Star Wars fan-fiction film, The Rise of Skywalker (see how it faired on our Star Wars movies ranked list), this version of the Lego Star Wars Millennium Falcon provides us with a new crew for the ship. Who hasn’t wondered what it would be like to sit in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon since it first appeared on our screens in 1977? There’s a reason that when Lego was deciding which of its iconic sets to jumbo-size to create the biggest set (at the time) in history, they chose this legendary hunk of junk. Along with the X-Wings and the TIE Fighters, the Millennium Falcon is one of the coolest spaceships in sci-fi.

The Millennium Falcon screams classic Star Wars.