Traditional Dragon positioning applies.When a player dies from “Burning Adrenaline”, they need to be as far away from other players as possible, to avoid killing other players.Every third use of “Burning Adrenaline” will be on the main tank, meaning you will most likely need 5 tanks for this encounter, since they will die.It will increase the damage done by that player by 100%, but the player will die after 20 seconds. Vael will cast “Burning Adrenaline” on a random mana user.When this buff runs out, the healers will not be able to keep up with the healing and the raid will wipe.The fight lasts about 3 minutes, which is the duration of the “Essence of the Red” buff, which the whole raid gets.At the beginning, Vaelastrasz will be friendly until you talk to him, so take your time to set up.Vaelastrasz the Corrupt – Blackwing Lair Guide This is the easier phase of the encounter.

have them feared or sleeped at all times. They can be tanked, though it is not worth it. The Dragon adds need to be CCed as much as possible.2 Warriors should be enough to cover the 4 corners. Warriors need to kite the Legionaires through the room with the help of hunter traps.Split the Raid into 4 groups, one for each corner.When you pull the pack at the orb to start the encounter, one player needs to control the orb and start destroying the eggs in the room with Razorgore.If you're a mage, don't use slow fall, as you could easily miss the landing, fall into the lava, and die or pull Onyxia.BWL Bosses – Razorgore the Untamed Phase 1 – Eggs If you miss the lift down, don't be brave and jump down, as you will likely die. You need to kill the first two bosses before you can unlock the rest of the raid. The final boss is Nefarian and his daughter Onyxia, whom we have both encountered in the game. It drops the same level loot as The The Bastion of Twilight and Throne of the Four Winds raids. The raid bosses drop 359 on normal and 372 level items on Heroic. If you have played the original Blackwing Lair, you will recognise that the end of that raid is the entrance of this raid. This raid can be played at normal and heroic levels.īlackwing Descent is a Cataclysm raid where the entrance to the encounter is high up on a ledge on the outside of the Blackrock Mountain in Searing Gorge. The end boss of Blackwing Descent is Nefarian. The instance was released in the Cataclysm expansion.

The minimum level for this dungeon when it first came out was 85. Blackwing Descent is a raid in World of Warcaft (WOW) whose entrance is located in Searing Gorge on the continent of Eastern Kingdoms.